Saturday, February 19, 2011

. picture of old but sweet memories .

#1st picture : these are (left to right) lolo, chipchip, bubu, and mon mon. What are they? yeap, they are a pen! hehe.. are they cute ah? hemm.. soo there's a stories behind, a sweet memories. Yeah lets called it "pen of bestfriendship". These are mine and my besties's at college. We are as cute as the pen ofcourse.. haha..
hey are u asking which is mine? hehe mine is............ BUBU. The whitest one and the cutest of all ah? lol.

#2nd picture : here's hemm.. what should i call this? comic maybe? hehe.. yess this is a gift from my besties from hi-school. I loveeee it so much and rite now i glue it on my bedroom wall. She gave me this cause i asked her to do me a sketch of a comic, so she drew it for me. This is from comic "hai, miiko!", a favorite comic of me and her. have u read that comic? if u havent, read it! That's a cuteeee comic, hehe.. try it! :)

" Friends always teach me how to be strong, happy, faith, smile, laugh, cry and all the things that makes my life more colourful and meaningful everyday in my life. Friends are everything i could be. " ~dania

ps : thank you my beloved for the sweet memories, i'll keep it forever and i will always love u girls. I'm blessed have u all in my life. BFF. :)



  1. mikooooooooo................
    aku jg suka bgt komik ini ^^

  2. @clarax : thank youuu :)

    @pinkmew : hi-five! :)


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