Wednesday, February 23, 2011

. "Divorcing" a Friend .

i got this article from mba ria, she's one of my friend on multiply. Thank you mbak riaa, really really good article :). Here it is...

Friends come in many cat­egories – best friends, close friends, casual friends . . . and ex-friends. “The ideal of ‘friendship forever’ has replaced that of ‘marriage forever,’” says Jan Yager, a sociology professor and friendship coach, and the author of When Friendship Hurts and Friendshifts. “And sometimes that ideal turns out to be a myth.” Just like couples, friends can break up, too. But how do you dump a friend? In cases of major rifts or betrayals, Yager advises being direct but kind once you decide to end the relationship. “Tell your friend what hurt you and why you need to put the friendship on hold,” he suggests. While it’s cruel to abandon longtime friends without offering any reasons, it’s easy to let some friendships fizzle: Don’t return calls as quickly; avoid plans or make them so far ahead that there’s time to cancel if you decide you still don’t want to get together. “Most people,” says Yager, “will start to get the hint.” Phasing-out friends who have put you down – or who have let you down – pays other dividends, she says. “One benefit of ‘pruning’ destructive friendships is you’ll have more time and energy to invest in positive friendships – and to cultivate new ones. If you feel better about your friends, you’re more likely to feel better about yourself.”

O well based on the article, i should tell her about what hurt me.. But i just to tired to fight. So what should i do? any suggestion, please?

" friendships are like rainbows. they brighten your day when you've been through a storm. " ~quoteword



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