Saturday, May 7, 2011

. most lovely blogger award .

Got another award todaaaayyy!!! yeeeiiyyy!!
surprised? yes. And will say yes for every shock-ness question. hahaa ;p

This award is given by my lovely-kind-beautiful mbak MAYA yeeeiiyyy!! hhohohohooh.. i dont know, but i really really happy, superb happy! :)
Thank youuuuu very very very much yaaaa mbaakkMaayyy for chosing a messy-blogger like me as a most lovely blogger! =)
Really hope that i really can be as colourful as and as sweet as the pics and ofcourse can be the most lovely blogger for everyone too.. :')

ps : had a lots of bad dreams today, i dont know, but bad dreams always makes me sad and really really affects my mood all day long. Saturday shouldnt be this blue. But i'd rather to think positive.

"Rainbow wouldnt be that beautiful if there's no blue colour in it, so does life." ~dania

Anyway, i wish that ur weekend is better than mine. :) Happy weekend everyonnee!


☺ MY T W I T T E R ☺


  1. "Rainbow wouldnt be that beautiful if there's no blue colour in it, so does life." ~dania

    setuju dania. km tampaknya lbh cpt dewasa. eh, soal mimpi, jgn terlalu dipirin loh, alihkan aja dgn hengot bsm teman terbaik ;)

  2. huwaaaaaa makasih yaa mbakkk :) jujur seneng bgt dibilang cpt dewasaaa, abis berasanya kayanya aku ga dewasa2 dehh.. hihiii *peluk dan cium kenceng*


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ur comment is my pleasuree :)