Tuesday, October 12, 2010

. blank .

my post on : Oct 11, '10 2:54 AM

Friends, family, problems, environments, situations & many other things change me A LOT lately, even sometimes i just dont understand n lost myself.

And rite now i'm nowhere, dont know what to do, how to react, how to laugh, how to cry, how to response something, n all i know : i'm LOST.

Dont touch me, i'm fragile. Just pretend nothing happened with me. Dont ask cause i wont answer. Just see, shut up and sit next to me. Make me smile with ur eyes. Fly me to the other world. Take me high to the wide blue sky. Bring me to the rainbow. Let me forget everything.

Life, always gives me billion reasons to cry. Billion reason to make me feel confuse. Billion questions to answer. But me only one. One brain that couldnt answer all of those questions. This feeling, ah do i still have any feeling? Even i dont know the answer.

i'm in a labyrinth. A maze with no exit. That is life i live. When i got a wrong way, it could bring me back to the beginning. Or i keep in the same place. A place that i remember but i always dont know where to go. This is tiring. this is confusing. When will i end this labyrinth? When will i find the exit? I have no place to go. I have no place to pad.

This just too hard for me. No one could understand me. I cant trust any. Not even my best friends. I'm such an introverted girl. Fully introverted. I cant share any secret with anyone. And do u know what always makes me sad? when my best friend says that i'm arrogant, i never share my life. It is sad for me, when they dont understand me. Dont they know that i always keep my own problem bcoz i dont want anyone feel it too. I just protect them. I dont wanna be felt sorry for this. Only with this way i feel strong as myself. I just want they know it.

Problems come n go, my heart stands still. Problems always pararelyzes me. I just feel numb. Cant feel n taste anything. Hah, life is too hard. My mind just too weak. This life just give me a feeling that i'm in the deep black hole. Cant exit. Cant find the escape. One word. BLANK.

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