Saturday, January 29, 2011

. back to the old time (of me) .

Okay this is weird. at this time i am supposed to do my "skripsweet". the deadline is getting closer. it's only 2 days ahead actually. andd the worst news isss i havent done my "skripsweet" and theeeennnnnnnnn i found this link...


HAHA.. couldnt resist myself to post it hereee... this is kinda funny when i re-read thiss.. oh my God, i was so much an-easy-going-person at that time. kinda childish. but i like my self at that time. sooo do read the blog if u wanna know the "old" me.

here it is my quick post.. okaayy.. catch you all laterrr guyyysss.. (soon) i will read and post comment for al the writinngg.. soooo sorry for not around here for a whileee.. hope u all miss mee hehe.

ps : me back to sleep after this and will do the "skripsweet" later. wish me luck! BISMILLAH
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